Archive for 09/05/12


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If you've got this far you are either an amazing friend, a Facebook stalker or my mother. Congrats to you. First of I think i'll explain what this blog is (or will hope to be), what I'm doing, where and why. 

This blog is going to be a record of my travels around the world while I run away from the fact I've just graduated and don't want to get a job. However, as much as possible i'm going to try and make sure that it's not pictures of me at the full-moon party with captions like "THAILAND YOLO". As I travel I want to try and capture some of what I see, hear and experience through photos, videos and soundbites. For me, this is so that I can look back at where I've been and remember. But also I'd like to share this with you to stay in contact, to show you the bits of the world i'm seeing and so you don't worry (Mum) and hopefully you'll enjoying seeing some of the people, places and events that I stumble into.

For the next year-ish I'll be going to Lebanon for 2 months and then India for six, and well, that's as far as I've got with planning. Two of the aims of this trip are: to learn Arabic and Hindi at Language schools in Beirut and Landoor; and to do internships with charities and NGOs wherever I can. The reason for both of these is that I want to travel in a certain way. I want to spend long periods of time relatively static so that I can really experience the places I visit rather than speeding through various temples/beaches/museums taking photos and getting on a train to the next place. I want to really communicate with people and carry on learning (I worry it may be the only thing I'm good at) and I also want to try and give a little bit back in general (as best I can). 

Now, if you're still reading then thank you! Hopefully you'll pop back and keep an eye on what I'm up to. Goodbye to you lovely lot, and goodbye to England!

Keep in touch.
